#134 - Andrey Zarur, PhD: Industry Talk

Oct 18, 2021


In this Industry Talk, Andrey Zarur, PhD, discusses "Conquering COVID: Gaps in Global Vaccine Strategy”.

Zarur co-founded GreenLight Biosciences in 2008 to develop advanced biological solutions to overcome some of the biggest challenges faced by the human race, including sustainable food production, response and preparedness for pandemics, and global access to effective human health. He has been a co-founder and senior executive in more than a dozen companies in the healthcare and clean energy sectors. Prior to starting GreenLight, Zarur was Managing Partner at Kodiak Venture Partners, an early-stage, technology-driven venture fund based in Boston.

Zarur carried out graduate doctoral studies in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Immunology at Harvard-MIT.