The South Village Team is bringing leading experts virtually to Claremont to speak to the community about some of the most important topics related to the South Village planning process, including LEED-Neighborhood and sustainable land use, walkability and planning for pedestrian culture, and designing beautiful public space in the center of town. All lectures will be live broadcast on Zoom and Facebook Live, and recorded lectures will be viewable on South Village’s Website and Facebook page.
To learn more about the South Village project, visit
South Village Speaker Series
LEED-Neighborhood: An Introduction from a Founding Co-Chair with Doug Farr
Monday, June 29, 5 p.m.
Doug Farr will speak about the Green Building Council’s LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND), its importance in sustainable communities, and the fight against climate change. He answers the question, “will LEED-ND work in the suburbs of Los Angeles?” Mr. Farr is the author of “Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature”, one of the founding co-chairs of the LEED-ND system, and a national expert on how to design entire neighborhoods that address our most pressing environmental challenges. LEED-ND is a goal of Claremont’s Sustainable City Plan, but it has never been implemented in Claremont. South Village has the potential to be Claremont’s first LEED-ND neighborhood and we hope this event will open up the public dialogue on the potential to incorporate LEED-ND into the ongoing VillageSouth Specific Plan.
Walkability: How to Build a Pedestrian-Friendly City with Jeff Speck
Monday, July 13, 12 p.m.
Jeff Speck, AICP, CNU-A, LEED-AP, Hon. ASLA, Jeff Speck is a city planner and urban designer who, through writing, lectures, public service, and built work, advocates internationally for more walkable cities. Jeff Speck’s two TED talks have been viewed more than 4 million times and his 2012 book, “Walkable City”, was the best selling city-planning book of the past decade. This lecture will unpack the concept of walkability, the interdisciplinary evidence about outcomes of walkability, and open up the conversation about how we can apply these lessons to the South Village and the greater Claremont community.
Ten Principles for Designing the Center of our Town: A Citizen Guide with Stefanos Polyzoides
Monday, July 27, 5 p.m.
Stefanos Polyzoides, lead architect for the South Village, will speak on designing the heart of town and public space. Stefanos Polyzoides is a co- founder of the Congress for the New Urbanism and, with his wife Elizabeth Moule, a partner in Moule & Polyzoides, a Pasadena, California practice since 1990. Stefanos has decades of academic and professional experience in architecture and urbanism. Stefanos was the architect for Scripps College for three decades, and master-planned the campuses of both Pomona College and Scripps College. Stefanos will discuss the concept of placemaking in public space, and the necessity of designing beautiful public space in the heart of town that can be a source of pride in the community for generations.