With the Riggs School team projects and PharmD APPEs entering their final stages, the Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) Class of 2019 has its sights set on commencement week.
The week’s activities will kick off with the Postbaccalaureate Certificate Celebration on Thursday, May 16, and that day will also feature the Riggs School Awards Ceremony and the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Class of 2019 Celebratory Banquet.
On Friday, SPHS will host the PharmD Hooding Ceremony. Then on Saturday, KGI’s 18th Annual Commencement Ceremony will start at 10 a.m. at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center. Saturday’s ceremony will be live streamed online and the video link is available at kgi.edu/commencement.
The complete events schedule is available here and there is also an FAQ section of the commencement webpage.
For Saturday’s event, the keynote speaker will be Peter Saltonstall, president and chief executive officer at the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Tiffany Smolinski, MEng ’19, will serve as the student speaker while Susan Schroeter, PharmD ’18, has been selected as the alumni speaker.
The hashtag #kgigrad will be used throughout commencement week. We also encourage you to tag @keckgrad when sharing photos on social media!