Hello everyone! Hope things are going fantastic as always! I had a rather interesting work week. I got the opportunity to attend a couple of different meetings this past week and I think it was pretty amazing. I attended Business Review meetings that are organized by the Product Managers here and it was great to understand the key components of what goes into managing their product portfolio, revenue forecasting, marketing campaigns, etc. I am too excited to learn more about this career path and can’t wait to learn more in the next Lunch & Learn.

I also decided to visit a few more relatives of mine who currently live in San Jose. I had so much fun playing with my little cousins who are 3 and 5. Little children just know how to fill your hearts without even trying, don’t they? :). That’s pretty much how my week went. By my count, we have less than a month left before the start of school! Hope you are as excited to be here as I am to see all of you! A lot more interesting updates coming up next week for everyone, stay tuned!

#kgiglobal #keckgrad #YouAreWelcomeHere #summerinternshipinthebay