Hello everyone! This week in KGI was definitely one of the best weeks so far. We have this wonderful series of industry talk events called Focus Friday. On this day, we get speakers and alumni across different industries to talk about their research, their current role in the company, and how they got to that position if they were a KGI alum. We had speakers from Amgen, Abbott, Oncoceutics, and Beckman Coulter. I think it is definitely one of the best times to network with some great minds of the industry.

Although I am someone who is more focused on the business of the biotech industry, attending Technical Focus Friday definitely helped me understand what role research and development (R&D) and regulatory affairs play in bringing that drug or medical device to the market. I even had the wonderful opportunity to talk to the CEO of one of the companies and managed to get his business card. I am pretty sure that it is definitely something that you cannot achieve just by sending an email or a LinkedIn message! These opportunities can only happen through events like these and this is exactly what KGI provides you. One thing that I recommend you do is that definitely make sure you attend as many of these events as possible because you never know who you will end up working with in real-life—for all you know you might end up in the exact same company and working under your role model! On that wonderful note, this is Madhumita signing off. Adios Amigos!
