Hello everyone! This week was a little sad for me :(. I am not sure if I mentioned this before but I work as a Graduate Student Admissions Assistant here at KGI. My manager here is a wonderful person and I learned so much from her. Just a week back I found out that she will be leaving KGI to pursue her further studies. Her name was Janeth Chaidez and you guys might have received a couple of emails or even interview calls from her. The four of us student assistants—Ezra, Seung, Nick, and myself—threw her a small farewell party earlier this week and it was amazing. I hope you can join me in wishing her the best of luck for her future endeavors.

Besides this, we also had one of the largest annual KGI events on March 2: KGI Rare Disease Day. The event was super informative and provided useful inputs on different rare diseases that currently exist in the USA and we even had speakers from Ultragenyx and BioMarin Pharmaceuticals—companies that are currently providing drugs to treat rare diseases—talk about the kind of impact they bring to patient’s lives. We even had a poster session that incorporated some really interesting posters presented by the students of the club. I think you guys should definitely volunteer to be a part of the club and get the experience. We also had another KGI alum towards the end of the week during one of our investment club meetings talk about how to manage finances and how to handle investments in the real world. Overall, this week has been a plethora of events each one being totally different from the other, but then again that’s how KGI rolls every week, doesn’t it? #bestgradschool #welovekgi.