Hello KGI pals! We are almost there, nearing the winter break. Just breathe and you’ll do great! This week had a bunch of small events and one huge event. I was pretty busy with my TMP conducting interviews for the first half of the week; for the second half of the week I had to get things done and prepped for Admissions Visit Day. This year, we had so many prospective students come to campus and it was great! I got to lead a campus tour with nearly 14 different people, so it was definitely a whole new vibe and experience. It’s always great to talk about KGI and enjoy some free lunch as well :P (just kidding).

Apart from that, we had our Winter Gala on Friday. I think everyone who came to that had so much fun and definitely needed it as a break from the crazy schedule. We played some amazing games this time as well. The Casino Royal theme was perfect to sort of keep us occupied while we enjoyed some delicious food and drinks. The night ended beautifully as, after the event, my friends and I went back home and celebrated one of our close friend’s birthday with a giant chocolate cake at 12:00 a.m. It was a perfect midnight craving!

Like all the other weekends, we just caught up on sleep, and did the regular house cleaning :P. But I still haven’t started packing and I’m leaving in 10 days to India! Next week I might have to sacrifice on sleep for three days straight to get all my packing done. :P Need to get some energy pumped up before finals week! Which reminds me: KGI’s student affairs team does some really cool events for finals week. This year they have goat yoga, stress relief massages, and art therapy planned. What fun! <3 #cantwaitforwinterbreak #comesoonalready #kgiglobal #keckgrad #YouAreWelcomeHere #Fall2018experiences