Two renowned educational institutions an ocean apart—Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) in Claremont, Calif., and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), formerly known as SIM University (UniSIM), in Southeast Asia—have joined forces to promote educational opportunity and international relations.
Through an articulation agreement between the two institutions, SUSS students will have a fast track in the application process if they meet KGI’s eligibility requirements. The goals are to encourage SUSS students to pursue graduate education and further promote international exchange at KGI.
The articulation agreement is the first of its kind for SUSS with a U.S. institute of higher learning.
According to Associate Professor Ooi Chui Ping, Head of the Biomedical Engineering programs at SUSS, almost 90 percent of SUSS students are working adults, and their interests lie in upgrading their skills beyond textbook knowledge and passing exams.
She said: “With this articulation agreement, qualified students from SUSS’s Biomedical Engineering degree programs are now able to continue seamlessly into the Master of Bioscience and Master of Engineering programs at KGI, which emphasize real-life skills and training. These applied knowledge and skills are important to SUSS students.”
Sofia Toro, KGI dean of student engagement and enrollment services, said: “We look forward to having SUSS students join KGI to pursue their higher educational goals. This will provide them with a strong foundation for future careers in the life sciences and biotech industry. There are many career opportunities available to our international students in this global industry.”
In addition to a Master of Bioscience (MBS) and Master of Engineering (MEng), KGI academic offerings include a PharmD degree from the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, a PhD in Applied Life Sciences, Postdoctoral Professional Master’s (PPM) program, Postbaccalaureate Premedical Certificate (PPC) program, and Certificate in Bioscience Management (CBM). A member of the Claremont University Consortium, KGI remains, two decades after its founding, the only professional graduate school dedicated to education and research in the life sciences.
Home to some 14,000 students, SUSS offers more than 60 degree programs in various disciplines. Focusing on applied education, SUSS adopts a flexible and practice-focused learning approach, and its mission is to provide lifelong education that equips learners to serve society. For more information, please visit