Summer Explore Med Program Teaches Undergrads about Career Options in the Medical Field

Aug 11, 2016

8 11 16 Summer Med Explore NewsStory

Six students recently took part in the Summer Explore Med Program, which allows participants to learn more about the healthcare field, including possible careers, specialties, and medical school application insight. The program is best geared for undergraduate sophomores and juniors, but it's beneficial for anyone contemplating a career in healthcare. The program also benefits those applying to graduate programs who seek highly personalized advising and support.

Explore Med is a two-week residential program that incorporates both classroom and experiential learning to help students understand what it means to be "premed." Specifically, students spend two weeks exploring various health professions during their clinical rotations in different areas of medicine such as pulmonary, endocrinology, internal medicine, orthopedics, and podiatry. Students learn about admission to programs in medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, physician's assistant, occupational therapy, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and nursing through visits to local campuses.

Describing her experience in the program, one student said the most helpful part of the program was the ability to ask questions. "Being able to get answers to questions that may have otherwise gone unanswered and the ability to meet with professionals in the medical field, with future medical students, much like myself was extremely valuable."

Another student commented that she felt the Summer Explore Med Program was worthwhile at any stage as an undergraduate college student. "I had more questions answered and made more progress in the last two weeks than I did in the last year."

Program Director Joon Kim explained the importance of providing this opportunity to students: "At KGI we strive to help students make informed decisions about their futures. This summer program is designed so that students can gain new perspective and exposure to facets of the medical field they may not have been aware of previously."

Additionally, students receive highly individualized advisement concerning guidance on personal statements, selection of schools, and mock interview preparation.

Elba Munoz, Assistant Director said: "KGI's Summer Explore Med Program gave these six students a brighter perspective about the various health professions available and will help them to make more informed decisions about their future careers."

This year program participants came from Chaminade University of Honolulu, UC Santa Cruz, and Oregon State University.