KGI Hosts ASCB-KGI Biotech Course with 50 Attendees

Jul 16, 2016

7 15 16 ASCB KGI Course NewsStory

This past week students from across the US visited KGI to attend the week-long ASCB-KGI Biotech Course, held from Monday, July 11-16. The summer intensive program is designed for advanced graduate students and postdocs who want to learn about what it takes to be successful in industry and how to navigate a successful career outside of academia. In total, 50 graduate students and postdocs were selected for the biotech summer course, which was open to both US and international applicants. Programming included morning sessions that introduced students to industry dynamics within the bioscience industry, along with class discussion-oriented lectures and highly interactive MBA-style case studies exploring dilemmas faced by bioscience companies. Afternoon sessions featured professional development sessions, in which panels of industry guests and speakers shared in-depth information about industry R&D, career paths for scientists entering industry, and effective networking strategies. The program also featured networking lunches, in which students met scientists working in industry, and shared their insights on transitioning from academia to industry.

Speaking of the importance of the course ASCB Director of Communications and Education, Thea Clarke said, "This course provides critical guidance and networking for grad students and postdocs who are looking for jobs outside academia."

This year's course topics included academic sessions on Commercializing Science, Market Assessment, Bioscience Business Strategy, IP/Innovation Management, and Social Networks Entrepreneurship. The course also required students to attend networking events, in which participants could interact and learn soft skills needed to make connections in industry.

Students were also asked to break into smaller groups, where they worked on team projects, and short problem-solving exercises that integrated technical and business deliverables. The goal of the project was to introduce participants to interdisciplinary teamwork that is common within industry, along with project management and presentation skills.

Highlights of the program were keynote speakers, Art Riggs, who talked about the history of the biotechnology industry, and Judy Heyboer.

International and US applicants are welcome to apply. Advanced graduate students with at least three years of scientific research experience, postdocs, and non-tenure-track junior scientists within 7 years of graduating with their PhDs are eligible to apply. Keck Graduate Institute (KGI), a leading provider of professional education for scientists interested in business aspects of the life science industry, has conducted intensive courses similar to this one for the past three years.

The ASCB-KGI Biotech course is offered by The American Society for Cell Biology and Keck Graduate Institute. Learn more about the ASCB-KGI Biotech Course.