Claremont Officials Approve KGI Campus Housing Project

Dec 15, 2016

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With approximately 100 members of the Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) community in attendance, Claremont’s Architectural Commission unanimously approved KGI’s campus housing project during the group’s meeting on Wednesday night in the City Council Chamber.

When the city officials announced the approval, plenty of applause came from the audience filled with teal-clad KGI supporters.

“I support this project for many reasons,” Architectural Commission Chair James Manifold said, “but there is no bigger reason than the fact that this project signifies KGI is a success.”

After the city planner introduced the project, KGI President Sheldon Schuster spoke in front of the commissioners.

During the time for public comments, four KGI students took turns speaking in support of the project. That group included KGI Student Government President Vilma Huerta alongside Jonathon Le, Jeff Che, and Nyssa Spector. All four shared their story of how the campus housing project will impact future students.

The campus housing is a highly-anticipated development for the KGI community as it will accommodate the school’s growth and the needs of its students. Additionally, the project will promote revitalization of the area south of the railroad tracks while serving as a catalyst for future growth of the Indian Hill corridor.

Construction is set to start in Spring 2017 and the housing development is expected to open in Fall 2018. For updates on the project, continue to check The project features two new four-story campus buildings on the existing vacant lot at the southwest corner of Bucknell Avenue and Wharton Drive/Santa Fe Street.

“We want to be a part of the student’s story, and we want the students to be a part of our story as we grow as an institution,” Schuster said. “Where you live matters, and the way that environment interacts with your learning is crucial. The housing will be the first of many steps in building the relationship between the students and our institution.”

The campus housing project will raise the quality of life and the level of academics for KGI students. It will also feature environment-friendly aspects, including LEED certification, walkable communities, and lower water consumption. Additional parking will accommodate the project and future KGI growth without impacting surrounding neighborhoods.

“This project will enable us to deliver another level of development for our students and it will make us fit within the mold of the Claremont Colleges that has been so successful,” Schuster said. “We also have a significant number of international students in our student body and for them, getting any type of residence is a challenge. This development will improve that situation and provide them with opportunities.”

Overall the development will support KGI's mission, which is to enrich society with breakthrough approaches to education and translational research in the life sciences.